Anyway, like everyone else in

Anyway, like everyone else in the universe I got FFX today. UNLIKE everyone else, I won't be able to finish it tonight, though, because the PlayStation's at the other house... dammit. So all I can too is skim through the awfully brief instruction manual and twirl the DVD around my finger. It was interesting in that many other people were in line at Electronics Boutique to buy FFX, but most of them were middle-age moms. Go figure. I also noticed that the EB workers highly recommended FFX to clueless shoppers, referring to it as "probably the best game of the year." I could tell they were very excited to leave work and play through it all night like all the rest of you who are not me. FFX is the reason that I bought the PS2, and after almost a year of waiting with The Bouncer and Zone of the Enders... I GOT IT, BABY.

Posted by JeffreyAtW at December 19, 2001 06:40 PM | TrackBack


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