Although barely anyone who hears

Although barely anyone who hears my MIDIs on the net know who really made them, it's always good to come across my work being put to use.

I guess my FFX Piano Theme MIDI was needed so badly before the game came out that some fool put it up as a converted MP3 on KaZaA. Without knowing it, I had it on my drive for a while. (I know it's mine because it's got the same imperfections). So if you're bored, you may be able to find my piano version converted by some person. It's called "Nubuo Uetmatsu - Final Fantasy X Intro Theme" (and remember to mispell Uematsu's name... whoever converted it was illiterate). Although I don't mind that my work is so popular without my having proper praise for it, I'm glad that I copyright my work and give each MIDI a signature so no one else can take credit for it. (I enjoy hunting down those who do.)

Posted by JeffreyAtW at April 24, 2002 08:29 PM | TrackBack


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