Just like any web cartoonist should be...

I'm becoming competely obessive about my comic.

I'm freaking out that I don't have the comic done for NEXT TUESDAY, let's start off on that. I'm putting my comic for NEXT TUESDAY higher on my list of priorities than, uh, my homework.

And believe it or not, that Ren and Stimpy reference was completely unintentional. I really have completed all the strips up to next Monday.

Then there's the popularity part - my comic is at #50 on TWC, which isn't really bad... but then again, TWC is only one of many top webcomics lists, and only the people I already know are currently the only ones who frequent the comic every day.

I steer away from lots of types of humor... excessive swearing, violence, sexual content... of course, I've touched on all of those topics, but they were all poking fun at how people use them to gain popularity - but I want popularity without that. Hum. Maybe a few more years and I'll make it into the big time... or I could just become a hypocrite.

Humor is funniest when it comes to human suffering. I have to remember that. There has not been one joke that I've made without some exclamation of mental or physical superiority or reference to someone being harmed that people have laughed at. For example, here were the most successful strips to date:

  • My car flying off a cliff
  • My dog flying out the window
  • James getting shot in the face
  • Francisco crashing

    It's sad, and I try my best to make my comic good without that... but most of the time that just makes my comic cheesy or misinterpreted.

    Every character in Mall Monkeys has a gun. But they make me laugh anyway, so I give them a gold star.

    So I'm open for constructive comments about my comic. I probably have enough ideas at this point to fulfill most everyone's needs.

    Posted by JeffreyAtW at November 05, 2002 04:34 PM | TrackBack

  • Comments


    "I steer away from lots of types of humor... excessive swearing, violence, sexual content..."


    Of course, this was just to poke fun of how people made similar jokes, right?

    ( 5/11/02 05:02 PM)

    P. Chiddy:

    Dude, THE HOUSE OF NEXT TUESDAY was exactly what I was thinking when you were saying that. It's unfortunate that Ren and Stimpy isn't shown on one of these crazy satilite/digital shit cable-only channels, like Pete and Pete is. Oh well, I'll shut up now since I'm some crazy sentient AI program instead of one of you Marin County d00dz XD XD XD XD

    ( 5/11/02 06:12 PM)

    Hawk Cort:

    Hey, Jeffrey, your friends aren't the only people who read your comic. I read it every day, and though I agree those last four were your greatest to date, the rest isn't really bad. You just need to get a plot-line, or a gimmick (though staying in a car the entire time isn't really that bad a gimmick anyway.)

    If you're curious to how I found your site originally, I have no idea. I found the "jeffreyatw" site before it was a .com if I remember, and just recently I felt like seeing what had happened to it. I then started reading a bunch of comics from TWC and I clicked on yours, and I saw a direct link to jeffreyatw.com.

    Cool ay?

    ( 5/11/02 07:53 PM)


    Bob: Yes it was. Note what comes directly after that:

    "I've touched on all of those topics, but they were all poking fun at how people use them to gain popularity"

    And hey, Hawk. Good to know that you've "rediscovered" my website, I guess. Thanks for commenting and reading and such.

    And I swear that "NEXT TUESDAY" thing was a completely unconscious slip. That's really weird.

    ( 5/11/02 10:07 PM)


    Yours was no different at all from somebody who would "use it to gain popularity". So really, you could have any sex or violence joke you want as long as you write it off as a parody, right?

    ( 6/11/02 11:50 AM)


    Or maybe I'm wrong. If I am, though, I'm curious--what IS the difference between your parody and somebody else's using that as a REAL joke?

    ( 6/11/02 11:51 AM)


    None, Bob. None. Look, you don't have to try that hard to prove that you're right. It really isn't a big deal.

    ( 6/11/02 03:02 PM)


    Bob's right, it doesn't seem like a parody to me either, cheesecake = ratings = not a bad thing, and that site is AMAZING.

    ( 6/11/02 08:24 PM)


    Nah, it's not a big deal, but every once in a while you need to be taken off your high horse.

    ( 6/11/02 09:38 PM)


    *cue opening of Frontier Psychiatrist*

    ( 7/11/02 09:43 AM)

    Almasy Marquis:

    So what you're saying, doctor, is that when I post comments about comics, I'm really posting about my dad because I don't think he loved me... and that I'm a lesbian.

    ( 7/11/02 02:51 PM)


    I search for ' "Ren and Stimpy" AND "House of Next Tuesday" ' and this is what I come up with.

    Nice site anyway...

    ( 4/01/03 02:14 PM)

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