Second questionnaire-type thing

What do you think of this page's design? Any suggestions? Is the content conveniently located? Does anything get in your way at all?

Posted by JeffreyAtW at January 14, 2003 07:01 PM | TrackBack


Hawk Cort:

EEt Ees good.

The way everything is layed out is perfect, because it isn't too cluttered, and the comic fits perfectly without having to scroll down (or sideways :/)

(14/01/03 08:28 PM)

Almasy Marquis:

I like it all. Except the Webcam portal, which strikes me as ugly compared to the site itself.

(14/01/03 09:19 PM)


Yes, the webcam portal is my trophy of laziness. The background is bulky and DISGUSTING. I should just get rid of the background and it should be much better, actually.

I was planning on doing much more to the design of that page to compensate, but I never got to it.

Look forward to the removal of that horrid background in about... 1045346 years.

(14/01/03 10:01 PM)


I dunno, I like triangles, myself.


ugh, the one I did on my site was better than that.

(15/01/03 03:30 PM)


You should have more rectangles. I like rectangles.

(15/01/03 09:33 PM)

[The Perverted] Lain:

"I think that square is of top cool shape in the world."

I want Car #50 hotlinked somewhere. I need to memorize the entire thing faster.

(16/01/03 05:01 AM)


hehe I didn't even know that you had this bloggy thing until today...does that mean that I'm stupid or that your site is baddly formated....hmm..most likely the former

(17/01/03 06:19 PM)

Almasy Marquis:

HOORAY. Cams page looks hella better.

(21/01/03 02:21 PM)

Senator Bartuk:

you need a link back to the home page from the webcam page too.

(24/01/03 09:17 PM)

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