Quick, look! My dad, Glenn,

Quick, look! My dad, Glenn, is on the front page of Sun.com! Although he doesn't really feel like it, he's moderating a chat next Thursday at 10 A.M. It's not an "A/S/L ehe" chat, of course, though. It's going to be a talk about Trusted Solaris 8, a project my dad practically heads at Sun. It's like the Windows NT of Solaris... a very, very high security OS. My dad's been working at Sun Microsystems as a Software Engineer since 1992.

My dad was talking to me about this funny thing with China - the Chinese government wants to buy Sun computers, along with their OS, Solaris, and lots of their software. The only thing they don't want, though, is my dad's OS, because they believe such a high-security thing could send top-secret information through a backdoor to America. Those paranoid Chinamen. Heheh.

Posted by JeffreyAtW at August 10, 2001 10:51 PM | TrackBack


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