And just because my camera kicks so much ass, I have another photo gallery to present: Mario is Stoned presents (god I have to stop saying that) Jeffrey's average day at school! By the way, because of the amazing flash capabilities of my camera, everyone I've shot looks really, really drunk.
Is even posting this picture legal?
The first picture-dodger of the day: this girl Ashley who all my friends follow around.
Evan, the artist, and Jeff, the pants enthusiast.
Evan gives the proper treatment to a frazzled Mike, who wears sunglasses indoors.
My choir gets ready to SING~! and Darren (left) smells something that I didn't let out.
It's break in the computer lab! I swing the camera towards Paul Chun and an angry computer lab supervisor, who advances to execute the final blow. (More Paul can be found here!)
James is at the computer... AS ALWAYS.
Tiya, the resident anime artist, who should be drawing my comic right now. :P
DAMN! Mark Lee dodges the camera! I'll get you yet! (More Mark Lee can be found here, here, and here.)
Bradx0r, the Canadian who enjoys Final Fantasy. James is interested in his sister.
Mark leaves the lab. I'll get you, my pretty, and your little dog, too!
Adam the Stoner declines to show his face. It's all good.
Simeon informs me that what I'm doing is illegal.
An AWFUL turnout at my Japanese Animated Movie club. Chip, center, wants to give you cunnilingus.