Challah at a Praya feat. DJ Goldenthal

The first meeting of the DDR COUNCIL OF THE WORLD meets today. Although it's not exactly my club, I have a history of taking over James's projects and so I plan to make it very organized.


Anyway, I made a signup sheet for songs so we can keep track of people signing in and tally their scores. It's also a good way to keep people in line so the same person (JAMES...) doesn't go a million times in a row.

September 11 is a new American holiday. If you're not from America, then just shut the hell up. (Oh, and if you are - pretend it's like Christmas. Although it may not have anything to do with your life, just live with it and try to enjoy the benefits of the day, like moments of silence that tick a few minutes off working, or something.)

Posted by JeffreyAtW at September 13, 2002 08:13 AM | TrackBack


Evil Flat Kiwi:

Seems like it's goin ta RoX0r the boX0r. I'll have to remember to show up.

(13/09/02 07:13 PM)


Yay, our first supporter!

Remember, if you want any freestyle videos or DDR music, just ask me to burn you something (and bring a CD-R).

(13/09/02 09:19 PM)

Indogutsu "Big Tsu" Tenbuki:

If I lived in Marin, I'd be there like a lesbian at an Indigo Girls concert.

(13/09/02 09:29 PM)


Yeah, and I'd be there like Galileo in the Indigo Girls' greatest hits. Yeah.

(14/09/02 12:07 AM)

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