So James was "featured" in this presentation I went to recently. The presentation was 9-1-1: the Youth Response. I really could care less (yes, I'm a heartless/anti-country/atheist/communist/terrorist/Satanic/evil/Streisand-loving BASTARD) about "the events of September 11" (I'm tired of hearing that phrase), but it was really just a concert of kids' musical acts, dances, poetry readings, and PSAs (of which James was part of), most of which were really, really great.
There were lots of kids I recognized... in this mystical sort of ballet performance, a guy double-cast for my role in an upcoming play was there, this TL a cappella group I'm friends with performed, and of course, there was James. (I'll get to it soon, trust me!)
It seemed that the ones people put the most effort into were not at all patriotic. Younger kids read small poems about "America is cool, yay yay," and a few choirs and bands sung patriotic songs, and they were all nice and such, but the really nice ones talked of peace and life; many of those, in a nutshell, telling how dumb America is.
Now, about James. And more importantly, about the tech at the performance. Whoever was in the tech booth (if any) did a TERRIBLE job. TERRIBLE. He/she/it missed almost all of the light cues, and couldn't get any of the PSAs (which were video presentations by Digiquest) to display property. So instead of actually seeing a few weeks of work by James, I got to see the master of ceremonies, a middle-aged white guy in 80's rapper clothing, beatboxing to fill time.
But all in all, I really liked the performance. Fun stuff. Yeah. Woo. Conclusions should be unneccessary. Yup. Okay.
Posted by JeffreyAtW at November 16, 2001 05:43 PM